.Working for a Dumb Boss

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Don’t let a dumb boss ruin your career! Discover how to turn challenges into growth with our must-read tips.

not so smart boss?

Never outsmart your master. That’s the first rule in a great book called “48 Laws of Power.” If you haven’t read it yet, you should.

But what if your boss is actually not smart? Like, at all. So bad that you constantly ask yourself, “How could this person become my boss?”

That “not so bright” boss is the one in charge. They can promote you, they can fire you, they can make your life hard, and sometimes even ruin your career.

In most cases, I would say - RUN! 

But in your career, you’re going to come up against many dumb boss types. Quitting the moment you meet a bad boss is not always an option. So we need to find a way to play the hand we were dealt.

So how do you play the hand and not lose your mind and self-respect?

Work with… not against

Selena Gomez sang “kill them with kindness.” That’s something you want to do.

That might be counterintuitive, but don’t fight them; help them improve things. That doesn’t mean you need to kiss their butt, but I bet there are a bunch of things you can help them with without amplifying their stupidity.

Why do you want to help them?

Let’s imagine the scale: on one side, you have a smart pants owner, and on the other side, you have a bright, flexible team player. Who gets the better offer, promotion, or recommendation?

Another thing is that you will actually feel better and happier if you focus on positive change rather than dwelling on the negativity that your work brings.

Be Selfish

It’s tempting to gossip and tell jokes about a “not so smart boss,” but what do you get out of this? Risk of being fired and ruining your career.

Focus on your needs. Not the team, not the company, but just sit and think - what do I want to get, and how can this person help me do that?

Do you want to quit your job? Ok, you need a good recommendation. Focus on that - “How do I get a good recommendation?”

Do you want a pay raise? Focus on that. How can you bring more value to your boss so they would want to pay you more?

Having a bad boss isn’t your fault...

Staying with one and becoming a bad person is. Don’t allow other people’s stupidity to conquer your mind.

Be helpful as much as you can, focus on your own goals, and remember, difficult people can teach you a few important things in your life - they can show you exactly who you don’t want to be.

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