.Turning Envy into Motivation

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I want to talk about envy and how this destructive emotion can be a source of inspiration.


I scroll through my feed.

I see my neighbor's impressive abs and think to myself, "Sure, he has abs, but no job." A guy from my school bought a new Porsche, and I say, "So what? His private life is a mess." That one family that travels every month... Dubai, Tokyo, Maldives. I think, "...but they didn’t buy a home, so they must have extra money."

Nobody ever wants to admit that they’re envious.

Constantly comparing myself to that feed sometimes made me feel superior and sometimes the opposite.

Comparison is often called the thief of joy, but it can also be a source of happiness and gratitude. If we compare ourselves to the less fortunate, we might feel gratitude for what we have and feel more successful and happy.

While it would be ideal to avoid comparisons altogether, it’s not entirely possible.

However, envy can be redirected into positive change instead of self-doubt and destruction.

1  What triggers your envy?

For instance, you might find yourself envying a colleague who has a more successful career. They seem to be recognized more frequently, receive promotions, and are often praised for their achievements.

2  What is your underlying desire?

Your underlying desire might be to gain recognition for your own achievements. You want to be acknowledged for your hard work and feel valued within your organization.

3  What is the path to your goals?

To achieve this recognition, analyze the steps your colleague took to reach their current position. Did they pursue additional certifications or courses? Did they actively network with higher-ups and peers? Perhaps they consistently took on high-visibility projects. Identify these steps and create a similar plan for yourself.

4  Create a personal development plan

Set clear, achievable goals such as learning to effectively advertise your work, clearly expressing your accomplishments to higher-ups, and seeking opportunities to take on important projects. You might also consider finding a mentor who can provide guidance and support.

5  Keep yourself on track

Regularly review your progress towards your goals and adjust your plan as needed. Ensure you are consistently communicating your achievements and seeking feedback to improve. Flexibility and persistence are key to turning envy into sustained motivation.

6  Celebrate your wins

Document your successes and practice daily gratitude. Celebrate both big and small achievements, and acknowledge the progress you are making. This will help shift your focus from comparing yourself to others to appreciating your own journey.

Envy is a challenging emotion, but we all experience it. With effort, it can be transformed into motivation to act. This requires overcoming self-doubt and finding joy in everyday life. Even on the stormiest days, there’s always something to be thankful for.

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