.Before You Say ‘Yes’

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With these strategies, you can better manage your commitments and maintain control over your time and priorities.

before you say YES

“Can you do that?”

“Yeah, sure.” 

Later, I realize that while I can’t say “No” to things I was hired to do, I agree too fast. When does it need to be done? What about my other tasks? Maybe someone else can take care of it? Or at least help me?

I found myself saying “Yes” too quickly when “No” is not an option. That “Yes” removes the possibility of getting some flexibility about the terms of the request.

This issue goes beyond the workplace. When my father asks me to move something, I rush to help while all my other plans are postponed.

Therefore, I realized that I need to find a better way to handle “no option for no” cases in my life and work.

1  When Does It Need to Be Done?

Don’t jump to the conclusion that something needs to be done immediately. Before agreeing, simply ask,

“When is the latest you need this done by?”

This question can often reveal that you have more time than initially thought.

2  What About Other Tasks?

Never assume that your manager is aware of all your ongoing tasks. Before taking on new responsibilities, ask for prioritization:

“I’m currently working on these three tasks. Which one should I focus on first?”

This not only shows that you’re busy but also makes it clear that other tasks might be delayed. One in - one out.

3  Who Can Help Me?

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Not everything addressed to you must be done single-handedly.

“Can someone help with this?”

“Who else could do that?”

“I can do this part, but someone else should do the other part.”

4  Pause

Give yourself time to think. Check your schedule and other commitments. Don’t jump to “Yes” without actually checking if you can deliver.

“Let me check my calendar and I’ll get back to you.”

“Let me check with my task planner.”

These phrases give you the necessary pause to reconsider your commitments.


Have the courage to say "No." You get what you tolerate.

If someone constantly rushes to you with urgency, realize that their lack of planning shouldn’t constitute an emergency on your part.

If people misuse your good heart by constantly asking for help without helping you, be okay with not helping them.

You can be a good person with a kind heart and still say “No.”

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